Apple Privacy disrupts Legit Marketers & Could Lead to More Spam

Email marketing success is measured by how many of your prospects receive them and take the time to open your emails. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to draft up the perfect email campaign and no one receives them? Or what if your emails are being delivered but they are flagged as spam or not interesting enough to open? Start Inboxing wants to share 5 examples of boosting your email open rate so you can start your foundation to seamless email marketing. 

Testing subject lines

The first place to start sharing the importance of your message is the subject line. It has to grab the reader just enough for them to open the email and learn more about what you are offering. So make your subject lines unique and corresponding with today’s trends.  Studies have shown that a good subject line has no more than nine words.  

Targeted Content

Sending one message to your entire database just isn’t enough in today’s world. Sending tailored messaging to your customers not only sets you apart, but it makes the reader more interested in what you offer based on what you know about them. Your welcome program should target new subscribers and allow you to collect as much information that you need during this time. Age, gender and location can all play a part in your targeted content. This also opens the door for better relationships with your customers.

Personalized Emails

Similar to targeted content, personalized emails can help increase your ROI. It makes retaining your customers easier and creates a memorable experience they can come back to if they are ever seeking your services in the future.  Personalized emails best practices include subscribers first name, state, browser history, and also following up with triggered dynamic content.  It’s always important to follow your consumer’s journey through the campaigns they engage with.

Segment your email lists

Dividing your email into categories based on job titles and interests could help increase your open rate since it is specific to why they are receiving the email. Subscribers who signed up within one week, female vs. male subscribers and more can all be segments in your email marketing lists and deliver messages that your customers actually want to read. 

Mobile Responsiveness

Majority of your email subscribers are using their mobile phones. Is your email messaging compatible for mobile? How does the messaging look compared to someone opening an email on their desktop or tablet? If the wording is not aligned or links can not be opened, it is hard to get your message across. People most likely will not read an email if it is not compatible on their mobile device. Ensure your content is mobile friendly.

How Start Inboxing Can Help

Some other best practices one should implement include the use of social proof, having a simple copy, making use of storytelling. Social proof, such as ratings and reviews, can greatly increase customers’ trust in a company and increase customer engagement with a company’s brand. Having a simple copy makes emails easier for customers to read, which makes them more likely to fully engage with the email. Even if you don’t keep your email copy short and sweet, having an interesting and captivating story keeps readers engaged. Some ways to do this can be through including high-quality images of the brand’s products, showing them behind the scenes, or adding pictures of the customers’ faces with their reviews.